Spatial Sound Reinforcement Using Wave Field Synthesis

Spatial audio in sound reinforcement remains an open topic, requiring good level coverage and at the same time good localization accuracy over a very large listening area, typically the entire audience. Wave Field Synthesis offers high localization accuracy over an extended listening area but the number of required loudspeakers, their placement on stage, and the level coverage that results from it can be problematic. The paper addresses these issues, presenting a case study of a sound reinforcement system based on Wave Field Synthesis for sound reinforcement for the play “The Panic” written by Rafael Spregelburd and directed by Luca Ronconi. The paper describes an improved Wave Field Synthesis rendering for sound reinforcement involving two arrays of loudspeakers at different heights. The paper addresses the practical implementation of the system in a theater and the overall installation: miking, real time tracking of actors, and loudspeakers used.

Authors: Corteel, Etienne; Westkemper, Hubert; Ihssen, Cornelius; Nguyen, Khoa-Van
Affiliations: Sonic Emotion Labs, Paris, France; Independent Tonmeister, Naples, Italy; Sonic Emotion Labs, Oberglatt, Switzerland(See document for exact affiliation information.)
AES Convention: 134 (May 2013)

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